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Author from Victoria releases an annual fundraising calendar for Winery Dogs of BC in memory of her daughter

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    (Lexi playing with a dog / Courtesy of Troy Townsin)

    Many of us love dogs and love wine, but did you know that you can have both?

    Local author, co-founder of The Cure Blau Syndrome Foundation, and former CBC wine columnist Troy Townsin is here to bring you this heartwarming collaboration. 

    In an interview with Victoria Buzz, he announced the release of his 2024 edition of the annual Winery Dogs of BC calendar!

    “I think we’ve got some really cute ones in there this year…it’s always nice to get so many wineries involved,” he said.

    (Kula at Sunnybrae / Courtesy of Troy Townsin)

    For nearly two decades, this charming tradition has blessed the hearts and homes of individuals across the province—showcasing the beautiful canines that call BC wineries their homes. 

    “The first year was tricky…[but] once people saw the very first calendar, everyone knew they wanted their dogs in it…some dress their dogs up in bows and stuff too—it’s really cute!”

    Not only does it highlight the cutest furry friends, it’s also for a great cause. The BC Winery Dogs calendar raises money for the BCSPCA, and has raised over $10,000 since he began in 2008.

    And since 2019, in honour of his daughter, funds have also been raised for The Cure Blau Syndrome Foundation—Blau Syndrome being a rare and challenging inflammatory condition that claimed his daughter’s life when she was six years old. 

    (Lexi posing with a dog / Courtesy of Troy Townsin)

    “My daughter Lexi would always get the dogs to look at the camera. She would hold little treats and get their attention and loved it,” Townsin said.

    He mentioned that at the time of her diagnosis, there was no research being done, so he and his partner started a charity for medical research, which remains an ongoing project.

    “[The charity] still exists…I’ve passed it on to a new Executive Director, but we’re still heavily involved. We’ve made a lot of progress in funding the continued scientific research as they try to find better treatment for the condition,” he said.

    “Lexi was the true founder [of the Foundation], we didn’t make it in time to save her but we’re hoping it will help others.”

    (2024 cover for Winery Dogs of BC)

    Thanks to Townsin and Lexi, the calendar has become a staple community highlight that wineries look forward to being featured in and fans can’t wait to purchase and enjoy. 

    “Lexi was a big animal lover. Now we’re continuing her legacy and it’s great for the community because they get cute animal photos and the wineries get featured. It’s great for everyone.”

    If you wish to own your very own Winery Dogs of BC calendar and help support both the BCSPCA and The Cure Blau Syndrome Foundation, you can buy them from multiple locations for $18.95.

    Locations include Blue Grouse Winery, Unsworth Winery, Rocky Creek Winery, 40 Knots Winery, Vessel Wine Store, and more!

    Or, you can conveniently purchase them online here as well as view the full list of retailers—they also offer worldwide shipping.

    Additionally, if you wish to learn more about Blau Syndrome, you can visit the Foundation’s page here.


    Article information

    Author: Stuart Best

    Last Updated: 1702269961

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    Author information

    Name: Stuart Best

    Birthday: 1982-06-16

    Address: 0231 Henry Lodge, Millerhaven, NH 54374

    Phone: +4519462523033729

    Job: Drone Pilot

    Hobby: Dancing, Video Editing, Fishing, Card Collecting, Animation, Traveling, Bird Watching

    Introduction: My name is Stuart Best, I am a Precious, unreserved, spirited, exquisite, daring, apt, dazzling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.