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Executive Creative Director at BandP is a standout Las Vegas ad creative

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    Bernice Bumburak IMG_9538LAS VEGAS – Longtime Las Vegas advertising executive Bernice Bamburak has joined B&P Advertising, Media and Public Relations as its executive creative director.

    In her new role, Bamburak will lead the agency’s creative efforts, ranging from branding, creative concept development and execution, to multimedia, interactive and digital design for clients such as Optum, Southwest Medical, Resorts World, Rio Resort & Casino, University Medical Center and UNLV.

    “We’re dedicated to supporting our clients with all of their advertising needs and constantly striving to innovate and enhance our creative offerings,” said B&P President Chuck Johnston. “With Bernice’s background as a brand storyteller, she’ll help guide our talented creative team as we generate ideas and campaigns that help our clients succeed.”

    Bamburak, a 27-year resident of Las Vegas, started her career as a copywriter at MARC Advertising in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After moving to Las Vegas in the 1990s, she held leadership positions at local advertising agencies including DRGM Advertising and SKG Advertising, growing a variety of lifestyle and hospitality brands. Winning myriad local and national awards along the way, Bamburak even judged the San Francisco ADDYs. But she said her passion isn’t for accolades: “It’s inspiring and developing creative talent to produce outstanding creative work for clients big and small.”

    Prior to joining B&P, she worked as a creative consultant for brands including Penn Medicine and Abramson Cancer Center, both in Philadelphia, as well as Miami-Dade Expressway, YMCAs in Boston, Austin and Wichita, Proctor & Gamble and Green Farms CBD, to name a few.

    About B&P

    B&P is a full-service advertising, media and public relations agency serving a broad range of local, regional and national clients in such categories as hospitality, gaming, technology, health care and real estate. The agency’s scope of services includes consulting, strategic planning, advertising, design, public relations, community outreach, special events, and media planning and buying. For more information, call 702.967.2222 or visit www.bpadlv.com.



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